A new school year has come. The coronavirus has made significant changes here too. Never before have so many children been prevented from attending school at the same time. The shift to distance learning has shown that not all families have a computer, laptop or tablet at home. Baker Tilly team of auditors in Kazakhstan decided to help schoolchildren who do not have such equipment to study online. Galymzhan (9th grade student) and Leonid (7th grade student) of the secondary school after Gabdullin from Abai village, Karasai district, Almaty region, and Nazgul (9th grade student) of the secondary school from Alatau village, Tolebi district, Turkestan region, received from Baker Tilly Qazaqstan Audit as a gift laptops, WI-FI routers and a SIM card with UNLIM internet in 4G. Every success, good health and excellent grades in your studies!
We would like to pass the baton and draw the attention of business community to those who need help. This can be done independently or you can join the “Oqýshyny qolda” charitable campaign from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the Public Association “Menin Atamekenim”, organized in support of distance learning for schoolchildren in Kazakhstan.