Umet Daletbaev

Audit Director

Umet has Master’s Degree of University of Kassel – Berlin School of Economics, he is a Member of the Global Association of Risk Professionals – “Fundamentals of bank risk” certification program.

Excellent knowledge of International Accounting Standards, International Financial Reporting Standards, International Standards of Audit, banking and tax legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, application of principles and practices of internal control systems, business planning.


He has significant experience working in «Big 4» company and managerial experience in companies providing professional services. More than 10 years audit experience in global audit firms.

Took part in audit in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards of such financial institutions as:

— OJSC «DosCredoBank»

— CJSC «Bank of Asia»

— CJSC «BTA Bank»

— JSC «Energobank»

— CJSC «First Microcredit Company»

— OJSC «Lariba Bank»

— JSC «Subsidiary Bank of Sberbank of Russia»


— MCC «Kemin» and others.